Heat-On Insert for 4x24mm Tubes (anodised) >

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Heat-On Insert for 4x24mm Tubes (anodised) >


제품번호: RR62075

Heat-On Insert for 4x24mm Tubes (anodised) 요약정보 및 구매


상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

담당자 영인랩플러스
전화번호 02-2140-5400
E-MAIL yilp@younginlp.com
제품번호 RR62075
단위 EA

선택된 옵션

  • Heat-On Insert for 4x24mm Tubes (anodised)


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상품 정보

상품 상세설명

The safer alternative to oil baths
Heat-On accepts vials, tubes and flasks from 10ml to 5 litres.



Heat on Block  장점


- Oil을 사용하지 않아서 깨끗하다.

- Overnight 실험을 하여도 화재 위험성이 Oil에 비해서 적다.


- Condenser에서 물이 떨어져도 Spark가 없다.

- 반영구적으로 사용하므로 Oil 교환할 필요가 없다.

- Solvent나 Acetone에 강하다.

- 큰 사이즈 이용시 Oil의 흘림이 없다.

- Size 별로 있기 때문에 Scale-up시 재현성이 좋다.




Key Benefits

- Replace messy oil baths, heating mantles and avoid spills.
- Make your chemistry safer, cleaner and faster.
- Solid aluminium blocks provide even heating.
- Lightweight design allows rapid heating.
- Unique well design eliminates cracking of flasks.
- Blocks feature two probe holes for added convenience
- Optional and detachable lifting handles.
- Optional PTFE Safety Covers reduce risk of user touching hot blocks
- Block for Florentine (pear-shaped) flasks.
- Use up to 260˚C.
- Fit on all leading hotplate brands with a 145mm Ø top plate; optional adapter plate for 135mm Ø top plates




Heat-On heats hotter, faster

- Not all block designs are the same
- Heat-up tests have shown Heat-On can boil a 250ml flask of water in under 11 minutes, faster than an oil bath and faster than other blocks.
- Another controlled test showed that a 2000ml Heat-On block and flask, containing 1000ml flask of water boiled 66% faster than the leading competitor.
- Heat-On is energy-efficient - using 30% less energy than the leading competitor, when boiling water over a 7 hour period




Reasons for choosing Heat-On - cleaner, greener, safer

The risk of oil fires and injury from hot oil spills, plus the mess and cost associated with the use of oil means that oil baths no longer represent safe working practice in labs. Heating mantles are expensive, difficult to clean, do not respond well to spills and often create hot spots when heating.


Scientists are increasingly turning to specially designed aluminium blocks located on stirring hotplates to heat standard round bottom flasks.



Oil baths are messy, dangerous and costly

- Oil will discolour and degrade with repeated heating and contamination from chemicals, water and general debris.
- Degradation results in a dangerous lowering of the oil’s flashpoint as well as increased smoking and fumes.
- Oil should be regularly replaced to maintain a safe working environment.
- Disposal of oil waste must be done in an environmentally and safe way, with associated costs.



Key Features 



Heat-On Heat-up Summary

The following data is a summary of time taken for Heat-On to boil various volumes of water. The data was compiled using a Carousel Stirring Hotplate set at its maximum operating temperature.



Volume (ml)
Volume (ml)
Temperature (C)
Contents time
to reach boiling (mins)
10 6 310 6.8
25 15 310 8
50 30 310 8.5
100 60 310 8.8
150 100 310 10
250 150 310 10.8
500 300 310 16.4
1000 600 310 21.1
2000 1200 310 35.1
5000 3000 310




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